Earth-Kidz Sponsors

Thursday, April 2, 2009 Sponsors

Thank you for taking the time to visit our site, we are excited about working together to save the environment. There is only so much our allowances allow us to take care of and this is where you come in. We are looking for companies to help purchase Eco friendly merchandise such as hats, tote bags, shirts, water bottles etc. 50% of all profits go to a variety of earth friendly organizations and the other 50% will purchase new items. If you prefer you can help by raffling off Faucet Mount Filtration Systems or CFL light bulbs to your customers or employees every month. Another way we are asking businesses to help is by adding our website to their handouts, spreading the word is just as important. We are always looking for new tips and ideas so please feel free to share your knowledge with us. Just a reminder many Eco-friendly products for home or office are eligible for up to a 30% tax credit

visit by clicking on image below

for more information. Thank you for your support.